usefull informations

Hotel day

Check-in time 14.00-20.00, 
Check-in time 8.00-10.00

Public transport

If you need to use the public transport in Cracow on the website:

you will find the necessary information about routes and times of departure public transport vehicles.

The nearest Convenience Euronet ATM is located on a nearby BP gas station distance of 50 m.

Corporate Contracts 

In the case of regular reservation of rooms made by your company, you can become our corporate partner, making reservations at special rates.

Discounts depend on the size of the book during the year - the more you book, the more determined rabat.Umowa corporate special prices to save funds during each booking. We invite you to cooperate


The apartments are non pets



Przedsiębiorca uzyskał
subwencję finansową
w ramach programu rządowego
„Tarcza Finansowa 2.0
Polskiego Funduszu Rozwoju
dla Mikro, Małych i Średnich Firm”,
udzieloną przez PFR SA.
